Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

“Chi-miigwetch to TTC, Toronto and Region Chapter of COMTO for their Christmas Wish List campaign, sponsoring 50 families this season!”

We were proud to be a partner with the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) who sponsored 50 families through their Christmas Wish List campaign. The family benefactors were selected by Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto and Council Fire community. Gifts included beautiful toys, electronics, clothing, a Christmas tree with decorations and so much more bringing a very Merry Christmas to the families! Chi-miigwetch to Toronto Star “Santa Fund” for the 200 Gift Boxes made up of toys, mittens, hats, arts & crafts books, etc. for children ages 2 to 12 years, and to the many Donors for your monetary gifts, contributing to a Merry Christmas for families