Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

Board of Directors (2022-2023)

Founding Board (1976)

Suzanne Shoush
Board President (Turtle Clan)

Millie Knapp
V/P Treasurer (Bear Clan)

Wanina Phipps-Walker
Secretary (Loon Clan)

Andrew Wesley
Board Elder (Wolf Clan)


Michael Jeffrey

Youth Representatives:

Emilee Bennett/Jayden Wemigwans (Local/Regional)

R. Gordon Byce

Margaret MacLeod

Clarence Decaire


Raphael Dokis

Carol Farkas

Larry Leong

Alastaire Paterson

Jacqueline Rosen

Jacqueline Rosen

Dr. Larry Rosen

Lydia Somers

Message from the Board of Directors

She:koli – Ahnii – Wachiye -Koolamulsai –

Greetings and Welcome to Toronto Council Fire’s 45th Annual General Meeting.

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of Council Fire’s Board of Directors to welcome each of you to this year’s Annual General Meeting, celebrating our 2022/2023 accomplishments and to acknowledge 45 years working for the common good of our Community.

Each annual report honors and reinforces the work initiated in 1976 by our founding Board members and workers, who laid the foundation of Council Fire allowing each successive Board and workers to build on and continue, “to assist our people become aware of their cultural background as well as their potential in education, employment and to strive for spiritual and personal growth through acceptance of each other” Our Mission Statement is the driving life force of our Centre! It guides the direction of our day-to-day operations to improve the quality of life for our people by offering opportunities, positive growth, and development.

The governance of Council Fire is carried out by a volunteer Board of Directors, made up of individuals representing a cross-section of Nations and Clans who possess varied gifts, skill sets, cultural teachings, life experience, and academic achievements.

We dedicate this year’s booklet once again to the Restoration of Our Identity and showcase its application through all of the work carried out by our programming, services, projects, events, outreach, and partnerships. We look forward to another year full of new prospects, continued teachings and partnerships have much to be grateful for and to our Creator, we give our thanks.

Suzanne Shoush
Board President